PKC is back in Beaver Dam, KY

Beaver Dam, KY
Saturday 9/8/12

beaverdamky6am hunt

Beaver Dam is Back in the PKC Game!
Director Lance Spivey reports a great hunt at Beaver Dam, KY and looks for great things with this club. The photo above is from the 6:00 A.M. hunt and the results. The picture and results below it are from the 10:00 A.M. Event. Congratulatiopns to the day's winners.

(Pictured L-R) Jeff-- Ginn/Parrish, Rebel-- Terry Bradley, Boo-- Michael Thomas, Snake--Rick Mills
Pictured in the back is Beaver Dam Club President, Josh Wright

10:00 A.M. Event
beaverdamky10am hunt


(Pictured L-R) Fuss--Harold Jordan, Jeff -- Ginn/Parrish, Slade-- Ben Elliott, Snake--Rick Mills
Pictured in the back is Beaver Dam Club President, Josh Wright