Daily Devotional

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Ronnie W. Stark
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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:36 pm

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7 NLT).

When God gives an idea — a rhema — he gives it in three parts.

First, he says what he’s going to do, then he says how he’s going to do it, and then he gives you the timing.

The biggest mistake people make is getting the first part but forgetting the other two. We take God’s idea and go out and try to do it as if he doesn’t care how it should be done. We try to do it our way, and we usually fall flat. We don’t know the timing, so we try to rush things.

Three years before we started Saddleback Church, I tried to start another church. I was in Riverside, California, and God had spoken to my heart that I would start a church. So I rented Canyon Hills High School and was getting ready. About a month before we were going to start, God said, “Right idea, but it’s the wrong place and wrong time. Don’t do it, because I’m not in it.” So I canceled my plans, went back to Fort Worth, and worked on a master’s degree for three years. After that God said, “Now, here’s where you’re going,” and he put me in the Saddleback Valley, where we planted Saddleback Church.

How do you know God’s timing? God starts bringing all the pieces together. But you have to wait for it! Then, when God says, “Go,” you move into action. At that point, you have to take a step of faith.

Taking a step of faith may seem impossible for you today because you’re facing a big problem. Maybe you’ve got some difficult decisions to make. In 1975, I had some major health problems that had sent me to both a heart specialist and a neurosurgeon. I was fearful, discouraged, and depressed. One morning, a stranger called me and said, “I don’t know you, but I understand you’re having some health problems. I called because I really feel like God wanted me to share this verse with you.” Through that man, God gave me a rhema and reminded me how he was working in my life.

That verse was 2 Timothy 1:7, and it’s a verse some of you need right now. God’s promise to you is this: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (NLT).

God wants to work in all of our lives — that’s a logos. But he also wants to work in your life with a rhema. Does God still do miracles today? You bet he does. But he does them in his timing, according to his sovereign will. Believe that God is working in your life, claim his promise, and move forward with his power!

Talk It Over

Think of a time when God gave you a rhema — a desire or command to do something. What was your reaction? What did you do next?
Why is it difficult for you to wait on God’s timing?
What big problem are you facing today that is keeping you from moving forward in faith? Pray, and ask God to give you faith to trust in his power so you can take a step of faith.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Ronnie W. Stark
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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:38 pm

Bible Study Verses
Job 38:1-3
Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said: "Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. " (NIV)

The Bible gives us many examples of God's revelation in nature. When God addresses Job in Chapters 38-41, He expounds on many of the marvels of the natural world, and implies in His questions to Job that, even though man is full of words, he lacks understanding unless that understanding is given by God. We need to be humble in the face of creation; and recognize that even in this day of modern science, we are limited in our knowledge of the workings of the natural world.

What's more, if we look only at the natural world, or "general revelation," we are limited in our knowledge of God. Even though the natural world shows order and beauty, standing alone it tells us nothing of the saving work of Christ. For that we need the scriptures or "special revelation" to reveal the purpose of history and the work of Christ in it. Although you can see signs of God in nature, never settle for God without Christ.
(Steve S)

Action Point
You can enjoy the outdoors in many ways, and even see God in the natural world, but make it a point to know God through Christ. Allow the natural world to reveal God to you, but do not let the natural world replace scripture.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Ronnie W. Stark
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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:40 pm

The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you” (John 14:26 GNT).

I remember growing up with some old math books that had the answers at the end of the book. I could work out the equation, figure out the answer, and then go and check it in the back. Or not! What I actually did was go find the answer and then, knowing where I was supposed to end up, try to figure out how to do the equation.

In a way, that’s similar to how prayer works. God has already given us a promise that he’s going to answer. Since you know how it’s going to end up, you’re left to go back and wait in the middle while it’s all being worked out. You say, “Thanks, Lord! I haven’t gotten my answer yet, but I know it’s on the way, because you promised. You’ve given me a rhema. You’ve spoken to my heart, and I know it’s going to happen. It’s simply a matter of your timing.”

After you’ve made that commitment and taken the step of faith, often God will send little confirmations during your time of waiting.

When we moved to California, Kay and I had prayed for God to show us where to go and start a new church. After a period of time, we really felt God saying to us a rhema: Go to the Saddleback Valley. There was a real peace in our hearts about it, and we felt confident. After we made the decision to make the move, we experienced all kinds of little confirmations.

I’d written a letter to a man in charge of directing churches in this area, telling him I was going to come. At the same time, he was writing me a letter, asking me to come. We didn’t know about each other’s letters.

When we got here, we didn’t know anybody. Yet within three hours of arriving, we had already met the man who became our first member.

We got here in January of 1980, and a total stranger called me up one day, told me his name, and said, “We’ve never met before, but I understand you’re starting a new church. I feel like God wants me to support your ministry for the first two months with $1,000 a month.”

We didn’t count on those kinds of things happening. But we claimed God’s promise, took a step of faith, and believed in God’s loving grace to give us affirmation along the way.

Talk It Over

What do you think God wants you to learn while you wait on him to answer a prayer?
How has God affirmed you during a waiting period in your life?
What other promises from God’s Word can you claim while you wait on him to answer a prayer?
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:43 pm

It is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13 NIV).

When we want God’s direction for our lives, we should get our desires out of the way so that we can honestly say, “God, I’m willing to go either way — whatever you want is what I want.”

Then we say, “God, help me to know what you want by giving me a desire one way or the other.” Some people don’t want to do that, because they think if they desire something, then God must be against it. That’s not true. God can use our Spirit-controlled desires to direct us. Psalm 37:4 says, “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (NIV). If you’re really trying to do what’s right in God’s eyes, then your desires are going to be in line.

How do you know when you have the right desires? “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously . . . and it will be given to you” (James 1:5 NIV). You say, “Lord, give me the right kind of desire to do the right thing.”

When you’re facing a difficult decision, first, you confess your sins and get right with God. Then you commit the decision to the Lord and keep praying until you “get in neutral” about it. The third step is to ask God to reveal his will by giving you a desire: “Lord, give me the desire to do the right thing.” Remember: “It is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13 NIV).

How do you know if the desire is from God? One good test is time. You can tell if a desire is from God by sitting on it for a while and praying, “God, if this desire is from you, make it stronger. If this desire is not from you, please take it away.” It’s a legitimate request — just ask God to do that for you!

Talk It Over

What are some desires you have that you believe are from God? What makes you think that is true?
What does it mean to “get in neutral” about a decision you have to make?
When you’ve had to make a decision, have you ever given it time to see if the desire got stronger or went away? What happened?
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:45 pm

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV).

Perhaps you’ve had a quiet time — when you get alone with God and read the Bible — where a verse that you’ve read a hundred times suddenly jumps out at you, and you think, “I’ve never seen that before!” Or suddenly you see a new way to apply it, and at the end of the day, you find out it was exactly what you needed for that day. That’s a rhema. God’s Spirit took a general word to everybody and applied it to you in a personal and practical way.

Do you want to know the will of God or what to do in a particular situation? There are two important steps to take as you seek a word from God.

1. Confess any known sin in your life.

You say, “God, I don’t want anything to block our relationship. Forgive me for my sin (be specific). Is there any bad attitude I’ve got? Is there anything I’m doing that you want me to stop doing? Is there something you’ve been telling me to start doing that I haven’t?” Confess it, and make sure the channel is open to God. The Bible says in 1 John 1:9a, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins” (NIV).

2. Commit the decision to Christ.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (NIV). In other words, don’t try to figure it out by yourself! Look to God for your understanding of what is going on, or what he wants you to do.

Stop and put yourself in neutral gear — that may take some time — and say, “God, about this problem or decision I’m facing — whatever you want is what I want.” That attitude is the attitude that Jesus had before he went to the cross, as he was in the Garden of Gethsemane and said, “Not my will be done, but thy will be done.” Confess your sin, commit your decision to Jesus, and then keep praying until you can follow Christ’s attitude about the situation.

And you can trust that God will make your paths straight.

Talk It Over

Why is it important to apply God’s Word in a personal way, as opposed to just generally?
Why is it important to be specific when you confess your sin?
In what decision do you need to say, “Not my will but yours be done, God”? Pray, and ask God to help you have a Christlike attitude as you commit your ways to him.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Ronnie W. Stark
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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:46 pm

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV).

Perhaps you’ve had a quiet time — when you get alone with God and read the Bible — where a verse that you’ve read a hundred times suddenly jumps out at you, and you think, “I’ve never seen that before!” Or suddenly you see a new way to apply it, and at the end of the day, you find out it was exactly what you needed for that day. That’s a rhema. God’s Spirit took a general word to everybody and applied it to you in a personal and practical way.

Do you want to know the will of God or what to do in a particular situation? There are two important steps to take as you seek a word from God.

1. Confess any known sin in your life.

You say, “God, I don’t want anything to block our relationship. Forgive me for my sin (be specific). Is there any bad attitude I’ve got? Is there anything I’m doing that you want me to stop doing? Is there something you’ve been telling me to start doing that I haven’t?” Confess it, and make sure the channel is open to God. The Bible says in 1 John 1:9a, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins” (NIV).

2. Commit the decision to Christ.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (NIV). In other words, don’t try to figure it out by yourself! Look to God for your understanding of what is going on, or what he wants you to do.

Stop and put yourself in neutral gear — that may take some time — and say, “God, about this problem or decision I’m facing — whatever you want is what I want.” That attitude is the attitude that Jesus had before he went to the cross, as he was in the Garden of Gethsemane and said, “Not my will be done, but thy will be done.” Confess your sin, commit your decision to Jesus, and then keep praying until you can follow Christ’s attitude about the situation.

And you can trust that God will make your paths straight.

Talk It Over

Why is it important to apply God’s Word in a personal way, as opposed to just generally?
Why is it important to be specific when you confess your sin?
In what decision do you need to say, “Not my will but yours be done, God”? Pray, and ask God to help you have a Christlike attitude as you commit your ways to him.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Ronnie W. Stark
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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:47 pm

“The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you” (John 14:26 GNT).

In order to understand how prayer works, you must understand that God speaks two ways. He speaks generally — the Word of God to everyone — and that is called logos. He also speaks personally to individuals through his Word, and that’s rhema. That’s one way God answers your prayer.

How does God speak to us personally?

Scripture says it’s the Holy Spirit’s duty to take the Bible and show us how it applies to us personally:

“The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you” (John 14:26 GNT).

“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13a NIV).

In these two verses, Jesus says the Holy Spirit does three things in our lives: He teaches us, reminds us, and guides us. In other words, he takes the logos and turns it into rhema. It’s called illumination, and it’s his duty.

There is nothing mystical about what I’m describing. It happens all the time. It happens to you! Have you ever been in a church service where the pastor is speaking, and all of a sudden you feel like he’s speaking directly to you? You wonder, “How does that guy know I’ve got this problem? How does he know that’s exactly what I need right now?” God took a general word for everybody and made it specifically apply to you. He gave you a rhema.

Have you ever been talking with a friend or neighbor about a personal problem and thought, “I wonder what I should say right now,” and all of a sudden, a Scripture verse pops into your mind — at just the right time and exactly what you needed to say? How did it happen? God gave you a rhema. The Holy Spirit gave you a specific word, for a specific time, in a specific situation.

That’s the way God works in our lives. The Holy Spirit takes the Word of God and shows us how it applies to us. You could say he makes God’s Word real in our lives.

One of the results of God providing you with a rhema is that it builds tremendous faith in your life. It always produces faith. The Apostle Paul says that faith comes by hearing the rhema of God, which produces a more powerful and effective prayer life as you see the Word of God working in your life.

Talk It Over

Describe a time God gave you a rhema.
Would you say that you welcome or resist the Holy Spirit’s work in your life? Explain why.
How does faith produce a more effective prayer life?
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:50 pm

Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him. And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us” (1 John 3:21-23 NIV).

The Bible says God has laid out five conditions to answered prayer: you have an honest relationship with God, you harbor no unforgiveness toward anyone, you’re willing to share the results with other people, you ask God in faith, and you pray in Jesus’ name.

Have you been overlooking any of these conditions?

Maybe you’ve been holding a grudge. Maybe you’ve been nursing resentment and you’ve allowed bitterness to build up in your life.

Maybe you’ve been refusing to admit some wrong in your life. You’ve known it was there, but you haven’t wanted to go to God and say, “You’re right, God; that’s wrong. I admit it.”

Maybe you’ve prayed, but you’ve never really expected God to answer. If you don’t expect God to answer, you’re just wasting your time. Or maybe you haven’t been abiding in God’s Word and growing in faith.

Maybe you haven’t been willing to share God’s blessings with other people. You’ve been hesitant to give back to God a percentage of all the things he’s blessed you with.

How about praying in Jesus’ name?

You can’t pray in Jesus’ name unless you know him as your Lord and Savior. The most important question is, “Do you have an honest relationship with God?” I’m not talking about church membership or being religious. I’m talking about a relationship, where you know God personally. You can start a relationship with him today.

Then, you can pray: “God, I have not been meeting one or more of these conditions, and now I understand why I see so few results in my prayer life. Today I want to recommit my life to forgiveness and generosity, to a willingness to share and give back to you what you’ve given to me. I want to believe in faith. Lord, thank you for the Bible — how it helps me and is so practical and relevant to my life. When I meet the conditions that you’ve laid out for me, I can see tremendous results in my life. Thank you that prayer is no big mystery but simply a conversation with you. Thank you for the privilege of prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

If you prayed the prayer above, please write and tell me at Rick@PastorRick.com. If you’ve decided today to follow Jesus, I’d love to send you some materials as you begin your journey with him.

If you still have questions, and want to learn more about becoming a follower of Christ, watch this video: What does it mean to be saved?
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:52 pm

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” (John 14:13-14 NIV).

The Bible says, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” (John 14:13-14 NIV). God wants to answer your prayers, but he also wants you to ask in Jesus’ name.

What is so special about Jesus’ name? Honestly, for a long time, I had no idea. I’d hear everybody end prayers with, “In Jesus’ name. Amen.” I thought maybe it was a signal that the prayer was about to end, like a spiritual sign-off — “10-4, good buddy” — or the way the great 20th Century news anchor Walter Cronkite would end all his broadcasts by saying, “And that’s the way it is.”

Some people think “in Jesus’ name” is kind of a mystical password that gets you access to God: “Here are all my requests. By the way — codeword: ‘In Jesus’ name.’”

What in the world does it mean to pray “in Jesus’ name”?

I heard a story once that illustrates it well. A pastor friend took his young son and about 14 of his son’s friends to a birthday party at the carnival, where he bought a roll of tickets. He stood at the entrance of every ride, and as the kids came by — his son and the 14 friends — he gave each of them a ticket. At some point during the day, he looked up and realized there was a little boy that he’d never seen in his life with his hand out, asking for a ticket. He asked him, “Are you with my son’s party?” No. “Why should I give you a ticket?” The young boy turned and pointed to the man’s son and said, “Your son said you’d give me one.” So, the man gave him one.

Here’s the point: I don’t have any right to get answered prayers from God. I owe him a lot, but he doesn’t owe me anything. But when I come and ask God for requests, I don’t ask on my own merit. I come on the merit of Christ. I just say, “Father, I’m coming to you because your Son said so. I’m coming because of what Jesus Christ has already done for me on the cross. He’s promised that I can ask in his name, so that’s what I’m doing right now.”

I don’t think it’s necessary to say “in Jesus’ name” at the end of every prayer if you’ve got the right attitude, but I think it’s a good idea. Why? Because it reminds you why you have the right to pray — because Jesus is your mediator and has made a way for God to hear and answer your prayers.

Talk It Over

Practice this week mindfully saying “in Jesus’ name” during your prayers. What difference do you see it making in your prayers?
How might your prayers change if you stay aware that you come to the Father on the merit of Christ?
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:21 pm

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12 NLT).

Turn on your television or surf the web this Christmas, and you’ll discover all sorts of Christmas messages. But for the One who invented Christmas, there’s only one message that really matters.

God wants to share eternity with you.

That’s what Christmas is all about. You weren’t created just to live 80 or 90 years on Earth and then die. You’re far more valuable than that to God. God has some long-range plans for you. He made you to live forever.

One day your heart will stop. That’ll be the end of your heart, but it won’t be the end of you. You’ll last for eternity — trillions of years! And God wants you to be a part of his family.

He sent Jesus to Earth as a baby so one day he could die for your sins, and then you can spend forever with him.

That’s the great news of Christmas. This offer is available to anyone. The Bible says of Jesus, “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12 NLT).

God wants to spend eternity with you, so he made the way to him simple: You believe, and you receive. You believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and you receive him into your life. God sent his Son to Earth 2017 years ago to die for you. That’s God’s very first Christmas gift, sent to you thousands of years before you were even born.

Honestly, celebrating Christmas and not receiving the number one gift God has for you is dumb. Do that, and you’re missing the point entirely. Acts 10:35 says, “It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from — if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open” (The Message).

No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, you’ve got a place in God’s forever family ready and waiting for you. The invitation is wide open. Just believe and receive.

Are you ready? Here’s a prayer you can start with —

“Dear God, I know that when I die I’m going to give an account of my life to you directly. I confess I have ignored you. I know I have sinned against you, and I have lived by my plan, not yours. I want that to change, starting right now. I want to turn away from my sins toward you.

Thank you for sending Jesus to die for all that I’ve done wrong so that I don’t have to pay the penalty. I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I know that only your grace can save me, Lord. I could never be good enough to get into a perfect place.

Jesus, thank you for loving me so much that you took all my guilt on yourself. You made me acceptable for heaven, and I humbly ask you to save me. I ask you to save me from the sins and the habits that are messing up my life right now. I believe in you, Jesus. And I believe that you will keep your promise to save me instantly and certainly and completely and eternally. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

If you prayed the prayer above, please write and tell me at Rick@PastorRick.com. I’d love to send you some materials as you begin your journey with Jesus.

If you still have questions or want to learn more about becoming a follower of Christ, watch this video: What does it mean to be saved?

Talk It Over

Have you accepted God’s number one gift for you this Christmas? If not, what are you waiting for?
If God sent Jesus to Earth to die for you, what does that say about your value to him?
Think about your Christmas plans. What can you do to emphasize to your family and friends that God’s ultimate gift was sending his Son to die for them?
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:26 pm

The Greatest Gift Cost the Giver Everything!
Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin” (Romans 3:24-25 The Message).

The greatest gift you’ve ever been given wasn’t bought in a store. No cash exchanged hands. It wasn’t even wrapped.

Yet it cost the Giver everything.

The Bible says God sent his Son to Earth to give you the greatest gift ever. He came to Earth to die and make you right with God. Romans 3:24-25 says, “Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin” (The Message).

So why did Jesus have to die? Let’s go back to the basics.

Nobody’s perfect. I’ve never met a single person who has claimed to be perfect. I don’t measure up to my own expectations, much less God’s perfect standard. Neither do you. We’ve all blown it. The Bible says, “All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory” (Romans 3:23 CEV).
God is just. God wants to be fair. When somebody breaks a law, there must be a penalty for it. When you break man’s laws, you pay man’s penalty. When you break God’s laws, you pay God’s penalties. Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death” (NIV).
Jesus paid the price for our sin. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:21, “God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins. Then, in exchange, he poured God’s goodness into us!” (TLB) Jesus took on my sin and your sin and all the sin that has ever been committed. That’s the Good News, the Gospel: Jesus paid the price you could never pay.
Accept God’s free gift. God gave us a free gift of salvation when Jesus took our sin upon himself. It’s a gift we must receive. The Bible says, “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12 NIV).
Will you accept God’s free gift of salvation? It’s one thing to understand the basics of how to have a relationship with Jesus. It’s another to accept the gift.

I pray you will make that all-important decision today. Here is a prayer you can pray:


“Dear God, I’m scared, but I want to get to know you. I don’t understand it all, but I thank you that you love me. I thank you that you were with me even when I didn’t recognize it. I thank you that you are for me, that you didn’t send Jesus to condemn me but to save me.

“Today I want to receive the Christmas gift of your Son. I ask you to save me from my past, my regrets, my mistakes, my sins, my habits, my hurts, and my hang-ups. Save me from myself.

“I ask you to save me for your purpose. I want to know why you put me on this planet. And I want to fulfill what you made me to do. I want to learn to love you and trust you and have a relationship with you.

“I need peace with you, God, and I need you to put your peace in my heart. I need you to take away the stress and fill me with your love. Help me be a peacemaker and help others find peace with you and each other. In your name I pray. Amen.”

If you prayed the prayer above, please write and tell me at Rick@PastorRick.com. I’d love to send you some materials as you begin your journey with Jesus.

If you still have questions or want to learn more about becoming a follower of Christ, watch this video: What does it mean to be saved?

Talk It Over

Outside of your salvation, what’s the most memorable gift you’ve ever received?
Why is it hard to accept a free, extravagant gift?
Who in your life needs to hear about God’s great gift? Who can you invite to attend a Christmas service with you? It’s not too late!
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

(662) 417-1588 Cell
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Ronnie W. Stark
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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:27 pm

Bible Study Verses
Luke 23:42-43
Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." (NIV)

My son's first big game kill was a Javelina he killed on the last day of a three-day hunt. In 2002, my son killed an elk on the fifth day of a six-day hunt. In the fall of 2001, I killed an elk on the fifth day of a six-day hunt. (Is there a pattern here? Maybe we should sleep in on those first four days and just go out on the fifth day!) As I write this, I think of how many times I've walked into camp late in the morning, not paying attention to my hunting, only to have an animal I hadn't seen jump up and startle me--one that if I'd been hunting I might have seen and been able to kill. The problem was, I had given up, I'd quit hunting; I had reached the point where I thought the hunt was all over and that I had no chance of finding and killing an animal.

The thief on the cross had to have had similar thoughts. I can picture him saying to himself, "Today's my day to die. It's all over. In a few hours I'll be dead and I have no hope." But, what the thief didn't know was that one of the other criminals being crucified that day was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Son of Almighty God. What specifically it was that Jesus did to open the thief's eyes to this we don't know for sure, yet, we do know this: God opened both his eyes and his heart, just as He does for all sinners who find the truth and accept Him. Because of God's love, this man repented and asked Jesus for forgiveness and salvation. And we also know this: Jesus forgave him and promised him that he would be with Him in paradise, that day! Jesus gave the man the one thing he desired, hope!
(Cliff S)

Action Point
Wherever you are in your walk on this Earth, a young pup or long in the tooth, it's never too late to turn to Jesus. He is there with arms open wide just as He was for the dying thief. Turn to Him today, ask Him to forgive your sins and to come into your heart. Don't worry about the words you use, Jesus will hear you and Jesus is faithful; He will do as He has promised. It's never too late!
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

(662) 417-1588 Cell
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Ronnie W. Stark
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PKC Name: Ronnie W. Stark
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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:30 am

Bible Study Verse
II Timothy 4:7-8
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. (NIV)

Wahoo are known to be the fastest fish in our oceans. Friend and specialist, Capt. Scott A., suggests that they are capable of reaching speeds of 60 mph. It is a thrill when one strikes--peeling several hundred yards from your reel in seconds. However, Wahoo, like a sprinter, are only able to make one or two short bursts after that initial strike, generally giving in to anglers.

Tarpon, on the other hand, are marathoners. They take many powerful runs making acrobatic jumps, testing both tackle and angler. They will battle fisherman right up until the time they are released. They never give up.

When I gave my life to Christ, I was excited and on fire for God. However, I went through a time when I became secure and comfortable in my salvation. Through subsequent trials and tribulations, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the race was not over; in fact, it had only just begun. (Will D)

Action Point
Paul witnesses to us of the importance of keeping the faith and finishing the race. Don't let your the security of your salvation cause you to become complacent. Meet with the Lord daily through prayer--long for Him; think of your relationship with God as a long-distance marathon rather than a short sprint. Finish the race. He has a prize awaiting you.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

(662) 417-1588 Cell
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Ronnie W. Stark
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PKC Name: Ronnie W. Stark
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PKC Member Since: 30 May 1990
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Location: Water Valley, MS

Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:33 am

Whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones; whoever is dishonest in small matters will be dishonest in large ones” (Luke 16:10 GNT).

A common saying today is that “what you do in your private life is nobody else’s business.” Well, it actually is. What you do in your private life — what you do behind closed doors or out of view of other people — builds and reveals your true character. And God sees it just as clearly as the things you do in public.

In fact, the small, unseen things you do are the seeds to God’s public blessing on your life. You cannot compartmentalize your life and say, “I have integrity in my public life, just not in my private life.” I bet you could make a list right now of public figures that have tried to live this way only to have their private indiscretions turn into public scandal and personal downfall. No matter what they say, any leader who is not faithful in small matters will not be faithful in large matters.

Jesus says, “If you have not been faithful with that which belongs to someone else, who will give you what belongs to you?” (Luke 16:12 GNT).

For centuries, everybody who learned a skill, trade, or vocation learned it through an apprenticeship. If you were going to be a mechanic, you apprenticed to another mechanic and served in his (or her) business before you started your own.

This principle of apprenticeship applies to every area of your life. It applies to how you handle other people’s money, how you handle other people’s possessions, and even how you handle other people’s ministry before God gives you your own.

Before God gave me my own ministry, I served as a youth pastor under another man’s ministry. God was watching how I handled it; he was testing my integrity. I needed to prove my faithfulness in that ministry before God would allow me to lead the ministry of Saddleback Church.

If someone loans you a car, how well do you take care of it? If a family lets you stay in their house for vacation, do you treat it as well as you treat your own home? God is watching and testing your integrity. And he will reward you accordingly.

Talk It Over

How does your faith influence and shape your integrity?
How does integrity reveal a person’s level of faithfulness?
What does the Bible mean when it says, “Whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones” (Luke 16:10 GNT)? How have you seen that to be true in your life?
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

(662) 417-1588 Cell
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Ronnie W. Stark
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Posts: 3488
Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:41 am
PKC Name: Ronnie W. Stark
City, State: Water Valley, MS
PKC Member Since: 30 May 1990
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Location: Water Valley, MS

Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:34 am

Bible Study Verse
Psalm 51:10-12
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. (ESV)

On a recent men's river adventure, one of the men in our group went to jump into his tube and immediately flipped over and disappeared into the water. One of the bigger men in the group blurted out as soon as he emerged out of the water, "What are you an idiot?" He proceeded to sit on his tube and you can guess what happened next. Ker-splash!! Attempting to prove to all of the laughing men that he could master the tube, he attempted the same move two more times with the same results. He was a great sport about it, but his tubing skills were less than desirable.

What was his problem? Was it his positioning and balance or his inexperience? Maybe it was his unorthodox entry style? But, we won't go there.
(Michael T)

Action Point
We are men and women who have a fleshly nature which leads us to fall into sin. Sometimes it is a humiliating and embarrassing type of sin. It can be painful to endure the aftermath of the consequences. It can be a heavy burden, debating with God the need to confess your sin.

Why do we fall into sin? Is it improper balancing and positioning or inexperience? Regardless of what caused you to get there in the first place, know this. Christ has the ability to wash you clean and to help you through the cleansing process. Once you emerge, the humiliation and the embarrassment will be gone. Christ will uphold you as He sits at the right hand of God.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

(662) 417-1588 Cell
(662) 473-8413 Cell

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