Arkansas News & Hunt Results

This forum is provided as a place for state associations to post news and to provide a means of communication between members within that state. Please post all State Association news here.

Moderators: Kristi Denney, R D Carnegie, Jerry Moll, Shane Patton, Chris Freiberger

Jerry Moll
Platinum Member
Posts: 5961
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:11 pm
PKC Name: Jerry Moll
City, State: Batesville, IN
PKC Member Since: 02 Feb 1989
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Oct 2023
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $30,080
Cell #: 812-212-1619

Arkansas News & Hunt Results

Postby Jerry Moll » Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:40 am

Post your news, hunt results and photos here.

Arkansas State President: Danny Raper … 501-840-1284 …

Jerry Moll
Platinum Member
Posts: 5961
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:11 pm
PKC Name: Jerry Moll
City, State: Batesville, IN
PKC Member Since: 02 Feb 1989
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Oct 2023
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $30,080
Cell #: 812-212-1619

Re: Arkansas News & Hunt Results

Postby Jerry Moll » Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:41 am

Minutes of Meeting - Eldorado, AR
—January 15, 2016—

The 2016 meeting was called to order by President Jody Williams

It was asked for nominations for next year state hunt; Conway and Plainview were nominated. Conway won 18 to 8.

New business: The North and South line was brought up for vote had some discussion on this and then voted. It was voted to stay as it is 16 to 10.

Meeting Adjourned.
Submitted by: AR State President Jody Williams
Prepare yourself and your hound. Hunt the dog, read the Blue Book, and your Good Book!

Jerry Moll
Platinum Member
Posts: 5961
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:11 pm
PKC Name: Jerry Moll
City, State: Batesville, IN
PKC Member Since: 02 Feb 1989
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Oct 2023
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $30,080
Cell #: 812-212-1619

Re: Arkansas News & Hunt Results

Postby Jerry Moll » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:26 am

2017 PKC Arkansas State Association Minutes of Meeting - Conway, AR
—January 13, 2017—

The 2017 PKC Arkansas Association State Meeting was called to order by State President Jody Williams.

Jody thanked everyone for coming out and then asked if there was any new business. There was none.

It was then opened up for locations to hold the state hunt next year. Monticello was brought up to host it. No other clubs were nominated, so we voted to hold it there.

Asked for any other business, and with none the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by PKC Arkansas State Association President Jody Williams.

Prepare yourself and your hound. Hunt the dog, read the Blue Book, and your Good Book!

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Arkansas City Ar. Legacy Series

Postby Charlie Stinson » Mon May 06, 2019 2:12 am

The Weather should be good.
Showing reservations for Arkansas City, AR on 2019-05-25:

Reservation # Status First Name Last Name Amount Paid Date Paid
1 Early Charlie Stinson $25.00 4/23/2019
2 Early Stanley Lucas $25.00 4/25/2019
3 Early
4 Early
5 Early
6 Early
7 Early
8 Early
9 Early
10 Early
11 Early
12 Early
13 Early
14 Early
15 Early
16 Early
17 Early
18 Early
19 Early
20 Early
21 Early
22 Early
23 Early
24 Early
25 Early
26 Early
27 Early
28 Early
29 Early
30 Early
31 Early
32 Early
33 Early
34 Early Jesse Eckert $25.00 4/23/2019
35 Early James Savage $25.00 4/23/2019
36 Early Shannon Stafford $25.00 4/23/2019
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Arkansas City Ar. Ark-La-Miss.

Postby Charlie Stinson » Sun May 12, 2019 11:17 pm

6 dogs.
0 Coon.
$50.00 Open.
Playboy/H or L/James hughes 450 Circles-Louisiana.
Ching Chang/Charlie Stinson 200 Circles-Arkansas.
Mississippi No Show do to weather.
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

Jerry Moll
Platinum Member
Posts: 5961
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:11 pm
PKC Name: Jerry Moll
City, State: Batesville, IN
PKC Member Since: 02 Feb 1989
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Oct 2023
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $30,080
Cell #: 812-212-1619

Re: Arkansas News & Hunt Results

Postby Jerry Moll » Wed May 22, 2019 12:15 pm

Annual Meeting Minutes - Conway, AR
January 4, 2019

Meeting to order by President, Jody Williams. Williams thanked everyone for coming, congratulated Chad Doolin and Clifton Crosby on being
State Leader and National Male Leader. Williams then asked for any old business; there was none. Williams asked for new business. 2019
State Championship nominations were Monticello and Arkadelphia. Monticello won the vote 24 to 6. The north and south boundary was
asked to be changed to I-40 instead of Little Rock. It was passed 16 to 14. We also took nominations for new president. They are Danny
Raper, Brent Roberson and Clifton Crosby. There was nothing else, so the meeting was closed.

Submitted By Jody Williams, Arkansas State President
Prepare yourself and your hound. Hunt the dog, read the Blue Book, and your Good Book!

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Monticello Arkansas Ark-La-Miss.

Postby Charlie Stinson » Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:55 pm

4 Dogs.
1 Coon.
Open $50.00 Open.
Clue/THK/James Savage-Arkansas.
Joe/Bryson Hendry -Louisiana Cast Winner.
Tramp/Donald Wise-Mississippi.
Allie/BBK AR/Brandon Lyon-Arkansas.
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Arkansas City Ar. Ark-La-Miss.

Postby Charlie Stinson » Sun Jun 09, 2019 10:09 am

7 Dogs.
5 Coons.
$50.00 Open.

J W/H or L/Jesse Lively 200 Plus-Louisiana.
Play boy/H or L /James Hughes 175 Plus-Louisiana.
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Arkansas City Ar. pro Classics

Postby Charlie Stinson » Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:33 am

Showing reservations for Arkansas City, AR on 2019-08-30:
Reservation # Status First Name Last Name Amount Paid Date Paid
1 Early Charlie Stinson
2 Early Brandon Lyon
3 Early Brandon Lyon
4 Early James Henry
5 Early Chance Lynch
6 Early Stanley Lucas
7 Early 0
8 Early 0
9 Early 0
10 Early 0
11 Early 0
12 Early 0
13 Early 0
14 Early 0
15 Early 0
16 Early 0

Showing reservations for Arkansas City, AR on 2019-08-31:
Reservation # Status First Name Last Name Amount Paid Date Paid
1 Early Charlie Stinson
2 Early Brandon Lyon
3 Early Brandon Lyon
4 Early Chance Lynch
5 Early Stanley Lucas
6 Early 0
7 Early 0
8 Early 0
9 Early 0
10 Early 0
11 Early 0
12 Early 0
13 Early 0
14 Early 0
15 Early 0
16 Early 0
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Arkansas City Ar. Coon Hunt.

Postby Charlie Stinson » Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:39 am

When: 09/21/2019
Location: 606 Sprague, 71630
Entry: 50.00
Event Type: OE
Added Purse: 250.00
Deadline: 08:00 PM
Contact: Charlie Stinson 870-877-1513
Contact: Stanley Lucas 870-723-3864
Directions: Hwy 4, 12 mi E of McGehee 4-way stop sign, go R 1 block on the L, city hall, go to back entrance.
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

James Savage
Starting Member
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:57 pm
PKC Name: James Savage
City, State: Wilmar, AR
PKC Member Since: 13 Mar 2017
Annual Membership Expires: 09 Feb 2023
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $3,754
Cell #: 1-870-690-0507

Re: Arkansas News & Hunt Results

Postby James Savage » Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:02 pm

CH Not A Clue

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Arkansas City Ar. Winter Classics Warm Up Results.

Postby Charlie Stinson » Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:56 pm

9 Dogs.
3 Coons.
$50.00 Open.
Tramp/Donald Wise 200 Plus-Mississippi.
Pete/Jordan & Jordan/Shedrick Jordan 200 Plus-Arkansas.
Gus/C&C/Phillip Proctor 100 Plus-Arkansas.
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Re: Arkansas News & Hunt Results

Postby Charlie Stinson » Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:55 am

Don't worry about the water.
Good Eating.
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Monticello Arkansas Bluetick Warm Up Results

Postby Charlie Stinson » Thu Mar 05, 2020 3:07 pm

6 Dogs.
3 Coons.
$50.00 Open.
Angel/BBKAR/Cody Coffman 175 Plus.
Gracie/C/D/C/Chad Doonlin.
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

Charlie Stinson
Bronze Member
Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:57 pm
PKC Name: Charlie Stinson
City, State: Arkansas City, AR
PKC Member Since: 07 Nov 1991
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Jan 2024
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $14,032
Cell #: 870-877-1513
Location: South East Arkansas.

Monticello Arkansas Bluetick Warm Up Thursday Results

Postby Charlie Stinson » Fri Mar 06, 2020 2:55 am

10 Dogs.
$50.00 Open.
Chang/Charlie Stinson 200 Plus-Arkansas.
Play Boy/James Hughes 175 Plus-Louisiana.
Allie/BBKAR/Brandon Lyon 125-Plus-Arkansas.
A coon dog is a coon dog.
A win is a win.
Stinson's My Ching Chang.
Professional Kennel Club Silver Champion.
United Kennel Club Grand Nite Champion 3.

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