PKC Redbone Association Annual Meeting Minutes

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R D Carnegie
Posts: 2572
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:56 am
PKC Name: R D Carnegie
City, State: Franklinton, LA
PKC Member Since: 03 Jan 1984
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $10,483
Location: Pine, LA

PKC Redbone Association Annual Meeting Minutes

Postby R D Carnegie » Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:51 am

2022 Redbone Breed Association Meeting Minutes
Crowville, LA – January 28, 2022

Meeting called to order by President, Kasey Dooly, with ten (10) members in attendance. Dooly went over financial report with those present. Motion made by Dooly, seconded by Derek Calk to hold 2023 Redbone Breed Championship at Crowville, LA. Motion carried. Motion offered by Tony Dominguez, seconded by Royce Taylor, to award jackets to the 2023 Breed Leader and Breed Champion. Motion carried. Motion made by Jack Bingham, seconded by Royce Taylor, to adjourn meeting. Meeting adjourned.

Kasey Dooly, President
PKC Redbone Breed Association
(812) 868-1900

R D Carnegie
Posts: 2572
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:56 am
PKC Name: R D Carnegie
City, State: Franklinton, LA
PKC Member Since: 03 Jan 1984
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $10,483
Location: Pine, LA

Re: PKC Redbone Association Annual Meeting Minutes

Postby R D Carnegie » Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:24 am

Annual Minutes of Meeting — Crowville, LA
Saturday • January 20, 2024

Meeting called to order by President, Tony Dominguez. A discussion was held concerning possibly awarding a 4-Wheeler to the 2025 Redbone Breed Champion. Motion made by Jack Bingham, seconded by Derek Calk. Motion passed unanimously.

A discussion was held concerning the site for 2025 Redbone Breed Championship. Motion made by Jack Bingham, seconded by Royce Taylor, to return to Crowville, LA. Motion passed unanimously.

The event format for the 2025 Breed Championship will be Double Header Pro Classics on Thursday and Friday with the breed championship to be held on Saturday. Motion offered by Austin Beusee, seconded by Colt Morgan. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made by Keith Bowling to adjourn. Meeting adjourned.

Submitted By Tony Dominguez, Redbone Breed Association President
(812) 868-1900

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